Easter Services

Easter can be summed up in about seven words. “He is not here; He is risen!” ( see Luke 24: v 6). These words are some of the most profound and encouraging in human history. Easter focuses on one man, Jesus of Nazareth; who paid the penalty for our brokenness, who died on our behalf, was buried and was resurrected from the dead – ushering into the world hope and new beginnings. Jesus’ resurrection has forever changed the history of the world and for all who believe in Him has brought to them a new relationship with God, becoming his people!

Easter brings new hope, an opportunity for new beginnings, and the promise of eternal life for the one who believes in Jesus Christ. Easter is a message of infinite love for all humanity and is THE message that God’s love is there for you and I to embrace and too live out daily.

We offer two services to fit your schedule:

  • Sunrise Worship Service – on March 31st at 7:30 am.
  • Regular Worship Service – on March 31st at 9:00 am

We have an Easter Breakfast following our Sunrise service at 8:00am. Join us to celebrate our Risen Lord!