We believe that service is important as the body of Christ. We have many groups that come together as the church body. Below is just a highlight of how we come together to serve Christ.
Prayer Quilting– 2022 marks the 17th year of the Prayer Quilt Ministry at BUMC. Quilts are crafted for anyone in need of extra prayers for physical, spiritual or emotional reasons. The entire congregation participates in this ministry, as the quilts are tied and prayers are said for the recipient, their family and friends, and the medical team or community support.
The Prayer Quilt Ministry also crafts prayer squares with a cross tucked inside. A supply of squares is always available to give to those in need, add to a greeting card or keep nearby in a pocket or purse as a reminder of God’s presence in our lives. 2009 was a unique year for the Prayer Quilting Ministry. One we hope is never repeated. During a three-day span in February, six quilts were made for the families of Long Street in Clarence following the crash of Flight 3407. Another four quilts were made for children. Prayer quilts are gifts. They are never sold. Therefore, the ministry continues to rely exclusively on donations. Thank you to the entire congregation for their continuing support. This ministry would not be possible without everyone’s generosity.
Shepherding – Our BUMC is a caring church and through its Shepherding Ministry watches over all members of our church family. There are several faithful shepherds and each one cares for a “flock” of eight to ten family members Each team (flock) of adults, children or teens has a shepherd. Cards are sent, phone calls initiated and visits to homes, nursing facilities and hospitals are made regularly. Shepherds meet together and report on joys, sorrows and needs of their flock members. This Team supports the minister in keeping track of our family. We thank God for this Christian Love and Caring Ministry.
Fellowship Team – Our Fellowship Team is always ready to nourish our bodies with food and drink. Coffee and donuts, or other goodies are prepared by the Team to allow for a time of fellowship following service on the first Sunday of each month and on special occasions.
Worship Ministry Team – This team works with the pastoral leadership to aid in the worship services. Special services planned during the year include the celebration of Easter, Pentecost, Mother’s and Father’s days, Laity Sunday, All Saints Day, Harvest Sunday, Advent and the Christmas Eve Service. They prepare the elements and assist with Communion. The Team is active in glorifying our church during various services during the year.
Building and Grounds (Trustees) – This Team is comprised of individuals who work hard to keep our building facility, parsonage and grounds in shape. The tasks are endless, but the Trustees are dedicated members of BUMC, and continually see to the well being of our facilities.
Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) – This Team meets three to four times a year or as needed to review salaries, benefits and job descriptions of paid staff. They are responsible for interviewing and hiring of new staff, and yearly performance evaluations. The Team also functions as a liaison between the pastor and the congregation.